
StateManager for WEI



Manages state for WEI, providing transactional access to reading and writing state with optimistic check-and-set and locking.

class wei.core.state_manager.StateManager

Manages state for WEI, providing transactional access to reading and writing state with optimistic check-and-set and locking.

__init__() None

Initialize a StateManager for a given workcell.

campaign_lock(campaign_id: str) Redlock

Get a lock on a particular campaign. This should be called before editing a Campaign.

clear_state(reset_locations: bool = True, clear_workflow_runs: bool = False) None

Clears the state of the workcell, optionally leaving the locations state intact.

clear_workcell() None

Empty the workcell definition

delete_campaign(campaign_id: str) None

Deletes a campaign by ID

delete_experiment(experiment_id: str) None

Deletes an experiment by ID

delete_location(location_name: str) None

Deletes a location by name

delete_module(module_name: str) None

Deletes a module by name

delete_workflow_run(run_id: str) None

Deletes a workflow by ID

property error: str

Latest error on the server

experiment_lock(experiment_id: str) Redlock

Get a lock on a particular experiment. This should be called before editing an experiment.

get_all_campaigns() Dict[str, Campaign]

Returns all campaigns

get_all_datapoints() Dict[str, DataPoint]

Returns all datapoints

get_all_events() Dict[str, Event]

Returns all events

get_all_experiments() Dict[str, Experiment]

Returns all experiments

get_all_locations() Dict[str, Location]

Returns all locations

get_all_modules() Dict[str, Module]

Returns all modules

get_all_workflow_runs() Dict[str, WorkflowRun]

Returns all workflow runs

get_campaign(campaign_id: str) Campaign

Returns a campaign by ID

get_datapoint(data_id: str) DataPoint

Returns an event by ID

get_event(event_id: str) Event

Returns an event by ID

get_experiment(experiment_id: str) Experiment

Returns an experiment by ID

get_location(location_name: str) Location

Returns a location by name

get_module(module_name: str) Module

Returns a module by name

get_state() Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]

Return a dict containing the current state of the workcell.

get_workcell() Workcell

Returns the current workcell as a Workcell object

get_workcell_id() str

Returns the workcell ID

get_workflow_run(run_id: str) WorkflowRun

Returns a workflow by ID

has_state_changed() bool

Returns True if the state has changed since the last time this method was called

property locked: bool

Get the lock state of the workcell

mark_state_changed() int

Marks the state as changed and returns the current state change counter

property paused: bool

Get the pause state of the workcell

set_campaign(campaign: Campaign) None

Sets a campaign by ID

set_datapoint(datapoint: DataPoint) None

Sets an event by ID

set_event(event: Event) None

Sets an event by ID

set_experiment(experiment: Experiment) None

Sets an experiment by ID

set_location(location_name: str, location: Location | Dict[str, Any]) None

Sets a location by name

set_module(module_name: str, module: Module | ModuleDefinition | Dict[str, Any]) None

Sets a module by name

set_workcell(workcell: Workcell) None

Sets the active workcell

set_workflow_run(wf: WorkflowRun) None

Sets a workflow by ID

property shutdown: bool

Get the shutdown state of the workcell

update_campaign(campaign_id: str, func: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Updates the state of a campaign.

update_experiment(experiment_id: str, func: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Updates the state of an experiment.

update_location(location_name: str, func: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Updates the state of a location.

update_module(module_name: str, func: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Updates the state of a module.

update_workflow_run(run_id: str, func: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Updates the state of a workflow.

wc_state_lock() Redlock

Gets a lock on the workcell’s state. This should be called before any state updates are made, or where we don’t want the state to be changing underneath us (i.e., in the engine).

property wc_status: ModuleStatus

The current status of the workcell