
WEI Workflows define a sequence of steps that can be executed in a Workcells, typically as part of a larger experiment. Each step in a Workflow specifies an action to be performed on a given Modules, with a given set of arguments. When the Workflow is submitted to WEI to be run on a Workcell, the Scheduler executes each step in sequence as the corresponding Module is available.

The Workflow File

Workflows can be defined declaratively using a YAML file, which should conform with the wei.types.workflow_types.Workflow.

In general, a workflow file consists of the following parts:

  • Name: the name of the workflow

  • Metadata: defines information about the workflow as a whole

  • Modules (Optional): lists the modules used in the workflow

  • Parameters: defines the parameters that can be used in the workflow (and optionally their default values)

  • Flowdef: a sequence of Steps to execute

As an example, consider the following Workflow file:

name: Example_Workflow
    author: Tobias Ginsburg, Kyle Hippe, Ryan D. Lewis
    info: Example workflow for WEI
    version: 0.2

    - name: wait_time
      default: 5

    - name: Delay
        module: utilities
        action: delay
            seconds: $wait_time
        comment: Delay for $wait_time seconds before we take a picture

    - name: Take Picture
        module: camera
        action: take_picture
        comment: Takes a picture with the camera


Each step in a Workflow is a dictionary that specifies, at the very least, the name of the step, the action to be performed, and the module on which the action should be performed. The step may also include a comment, which is a human-readable description of the step.

Each module supports a specific set of actions. You can find the list of supported actions for each module in the module’s /about interface, on the Dashboard, or in the documentation/source code.

Many actions have arguments (args) that must be provided in order to execute the action. These arguments are specified as key-value pairs in the step dictionary. The value of each argument can be a string, a number, or any other JSON serializable value.

In addition, some actions may accept files as arguments. These arguments are specified as filepaths in a separate files dictionary within the step, and are automatically uploaded to the WEI server when the workflow is submitted. The filepaths in the dictionary must either be absolute paths, or relative paths to the working_dir of your ExperimentClient.


Parameters are values that can be set when a job is submitted, allowing for more flexible and reusable Workflows.

Parameters are specified in the parameters section of the workflow file, and can optionally include a default value. They can be referenced anywhere in the flowdef using the $parameter_name or ${parameter_name} syntax.

For example, if the workflow file contains the following step:

- name: Delay Workflow
    module: utilities
    action: delay
        seconds: $wait_time
    comment: Delay for $wait_time seconds

And you pass in the parameters as {"wait_time": 10}, then the step will be executed as if it were

- name: Delay Workflow
    module: utilities
    action: delay
        seconds: 10
    comment: Delay for 10 seconds

Next Steps

To learn how to write your own workflow file, see How-To: Workflows.